Introducing JustaGrow a grassroot creative community project in Uganda
Hey there am Rwamafa Louis working with Justahub as a community officer since 2018 and artist coordinator for JustaShop alongside my fellow artist Roots Natty and Vital Ntabala.
We are based in the city of Kampala. Uganda - the pearl of Africa on the shores of Lake Victoria.
Living as a collective of artists and creative, sustainability has been the key and driving force.
at our shop in Entebbe by Lake Victoria in 2020
Gardening is one of my practices at the premises of the hub where we have a space designated for growing plants and keeping animals.
A garden should be nurtured in a way for the sole purpose of enriching those who harvest from it with essential nutrients to nourish their wellbeing through eating foods that are rich with what the body needs.
The other purposes can be to preserve rear species and for exchange or sale of the surplus.
As a gardener I’ve got to use the environment and space I have to attain most of my needs.
The garden should be a place I can find food for nourishment, spices and herbs for healing, raw material to make for different products, a garden is also a place to exercise the body and mind through the different activities like the digging with a hoes making rhythms and patterns in the earth, the weeding and gathering of the harvest all of which bring about a piece of mind and a connection with mother earth.
Magezi and Sherieff - fellow community artists thinkers and gardeners
Living collectively in a social environment, gardening is a common activity practiced among different tribes and cultures. Through using different techniques and tools, facing different climate and environmental challenges, human beings have kept the practice and passed it on to their children as the main way to live a healthy and sustainable life.